Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Iran Sanctions
Monday, July 11, 2011
How Does The Entrepreneurial World of Seal Team 1‘s, Stack Up To The United States Navy’s, Seal Team 1
No Death Sentence/Life W/O Parole on circumstantial evidence
Friday, May 20, 2011
Is actress Angelina Jolie a martial arts aficionado?
Monday, April 4, 2011
Master Ron Tramontano
Who Bullies?
Who bullies?
Students who engage in bullying behaviors seem to have a need to feel powerful and in control.
Boys tend to use physical intimidation or threats, regardless of the gender of their victims. Bullying by girls is more often verbal, usually with another girl as the target. Cyber-bullying by both boys and girls - in online chat rooms, e-mail, and text-messaging - is increasing. Direct bullying seems to increase through the elementary school years, peak in the middle school/junior high school years, and decline during the high school years. Although direct physical assault seems to decrease with age, verbal abuse appears to remain constant. Whether the bullying is direct or indirect, the key component of bullying is physical or psychological intimidation that occurs repeatedly over time to create an ongoing pattern of harassment and abuse. Stay tune to this blog as we delve into a parents worse nightmare. Bullying
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User-Generated Blogs by KickAppsTerms of Service Terms of Service Share|Let's Move Event in Boca Raton
Respect is a term many of us use but few of us understand. Many times we fall into the trap of using this word and directing it to a title or a position, instead of a person. A person, who has a title or a position, deserves and should get our attention, because of the knowledge they have acquired on a particular subject. It is only after a person has been shown to possess the qualities and attributes we admire, would they earn our respect. The key word here is earn.
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User-Generated Blogs by KickAppsTerms of Service Terms of Service Share|How Do Children Handle Fight Or Flight Response?
Children and Adults alike handle Fight Or Flight Response in much the same way. However, as life teaches us, it's not what happens to us that is important. Things will always happen to us. It's what we do with what happens to us that is ultimately the deciding factors as to our success or failure. Fight or flight is our body's primitive, automatic, inborn response that prepares the body to "fight" or "flee" from perceived attack, harm or threat to our survival. What are the signs that our fight or flight response has been stimulated or activated?. When our fight or flight response is activated, sequences of nerve cell firing occur and chemicals like adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol are released into our bloodstream. Blood is shunted away from our digestive tract and directed into our muscles and limbs, which require extra energy and fuel for running and fighting. In short, many of the major stresses today trigger the full activation of our fight or flight response, causing us to become aggressive, hyper vigilant and over-reactive. To protect ourselves today, we must consciously pay attention to the signals of fight or flight. For example, in times of emotional jeopardy, the fight or flight response can sharpen our mental acuity, thereby helping us deal decisively with issues, moving us to action. If you end up in a fight, you'll hit harder, jump higher and think and dodge faster than usual. We often forget how much of a problem overwhelming anxiety can be. Panic attacks, social anxiety, generalized anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder all have the potential to be quite disabling. A child who is not well adjusted, possibly having low self esteem and being overweight, has little chance of being successful. It's in my opinion that there can be no better activity to address this type of concern other than Martial Arts. Please check our Blog's.
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User-Generated Blogs by KickAppsTerms of Service Terms of Service Share|Sunday, April 3, 2011
Raising Confident Kids
Confidence comes to us through experience and feeling good in our own body- Experience comes about by doing things for our self. If your child asks you to do something you know they have the ability to do by them self, step back and insist they do it. Your children will acquire the experience and will truly be excited once you start to jump up and down shouting to the world how great they have done. Children observe the messages that are played out through their family's beliefs about size, shape, weight and self esteem. Parents can often be alerted to problem signs of low self esteem in their children when their child mentions a falling out with another child at school. Young children will often act aggressively when things don't go their way - they lash out, bite, kick, hit and punch. This is because children learn through observation, there is a close connection between childhood obesity and self esteem issues. Please look here for more information.
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Might and Right
"Might does not make right, but might does make what is and what has been in history. Only recently has Urantia "Earth" reached that point where society is willing to debate the ethics of might and right." Urantia
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Conscience, untaught by experience and unaided by reason, never has been, and never can be, a safe and unerring guide to human conduct. Conscience is not a divine voice speaking to the human soul. It is merely the sum total of the moral and ethical content of the mores of any current stage of existence; it simply represents the humanly conceived ideal of reaction in any given set of circumstances. Urantia
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We are responsible to each other on many levels for many things that traverse our daily lives each day. Where does being a good citizen pickup and where does it stop? I don’t know. However, I do know to be known as a good person and a caring part of a community “a good citizen”, can only be determined by others never by you. Knowing this, your worth is in your deeds.
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User-Generated Blogs by KickAppsTerms of Service Terms of Service Share|Being overweight has become a serious problem for many kids and adults.
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User-Generated Blogs by KickAppsTerms of Service Terms of Service Share|What’s More Dangerous to a Child than a Stranger with Candy?
Boca Raton Martial Arts Master on a mission to defeat childhood obesity
PR Log (Press Release) – Sep 22, 2009 –
Childhood obesity is an enemy that relentlessly pursues children every day. From processed foods at home to fatty school lunches to children parked in front of computer games at night, the odds are against children being healthy in mind and body. Obesity threatens the lives of America’s children.
“If a real, live person were after your children, determined to give them a life-threatening disease, I do not believe you would stand by and let it happen,” says Martial Arts Master Ron Tramontano. “All it takes to make a difference in the life of an obese child is a parent with a personality.”
Tramontano has developed a weight loss program for obese children that combines the self-esteem boosting effects of Martial Arts training with plating/calorie-saving techniques. In his newly released book, It’s Not a DIET, It’s a SAVE-it, he defines strategies that parents and obese children can use, together, to achieve serious weight loss and self-esteem gain. In It’s Not a DIET, It’s a SAVE-it Tramontano describes how to
Approach the idea of weight loss with a child
Explain the SAVE-it Weight Loss Program in an exciting way
Motivate any child
Employ the tenets of the Tang Soo Do Martial Arts form as a catalyst for change
Ron Tramontano has used the SAVE-it Weight Loss Program for over 25 years in his West Boca Karate Center in Boca Raton, Florida, to help obese children and their parents overcome the enemy of obesity.
He is on a mission to defeat childhood obesity and has launched a series of Comcast cable commercials to create interest in his program. His “take a free month and get a free book” commercial has resulted in soaring enrollments. His website challenges Fortune 500 companies and our nation’s leaders to get on board and become part of a solution that will wipe out obesity in America.
Tramontano is the chairman and founder of both the North American Tang Soo Do Federation and The Martial Arts Network Online. At West Boca Karate he oversees the instruction of over 800 students and 160 Black Belts a week.
Ron Tramontano, West Boca Karate Center
(561) 482-9049 (phone)
(561) 482-1896 (fax)
(561) 629-6005 (cell)
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Dear Black Belt Magazine
About Master Ron Tramontano
The chairman and founder of both NATSDF (North American Tang Soo Do Federation) and TMAN (The Martial Arts Network Online, ( An accomplished screenplay writer (Time Master Trilogy) (, successful entrepreneur, businessman, and author is located in Boca Raton, Florida. A martial arts master in the style of Tang Soo Do. Teaches and oversee the instruction of over eight hundred students and 160 black belts a week at my facility, West Boca Karate Center ( established in 1986. Author of four books, It’s Not a Diet It’s a Save It: ( How Children Can Achieve Serious Weight Loss and Self-Esteem Gain (Rainbow Books, Inc.), A Practical Guide to Self Defense thru The Martial Arts and The Tang Soo Do Forms Workbook and the soon-to-be-released, Children’s Stories Of Martial Arts Wisdom (Once Upon A Masters Time Please feel free to call me anytime if you need more information, or if you wish to discuss specific styles.
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We all have Responsibilities to do the things, we say we will do. I have said this little quote for years “ You are only as good as your word ” if your word is no good then you are no good. That may sound harsh at first but the truth is often eye opening.
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The ability to do what is right, even though your decision may not be popular, to exhibit indomitable courage in the face of immensity. Note: If we see courage (strength of character) as being desirable? Then must man be reared in an environment which necessitates grappling with hardships and reacting to disappointments. Urantia
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Dwelling on positive things give your thoughts power and then shape. However this also works in reverse.
Master Ron Tramontano
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Friday, April 1, 2011
Bullying Insight
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You must first recognize man as your brother, and if you honestly desire to do by him as you would have him do by you, the commonplace dictates of justice, honesty, and fairness will guide you in the just and impartial settlement of every recurring problem of economic rewards and social justice. Urantia
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User-Generated Blogs by KickAppsTerms of Service Terms of Service Share|Simple Tips for April Fool's Day Fun!
It’s April Fool’s Day! What do you expect will happen? Some people dread this holiday. Others skip it. But if you’re a parent, it’s likely that your kids will do something to celebrate it. So make this a day to have some fun! Consider these ideas.
• Have fun! Consider April Fool’s Day to be a holiday to teach kids appropriate ways to pull harmless pranks, be silly, and enjoy themselves. Kids who learn how to find the right balance of trickery without hurting anyone’s feelings are likely to have strong social skills.
• Talk about pacing to help your kid be an expert prankster. The best April Fool’s jokes come when people least expect them. That’s why commenting about all the snow outside when your child first wakes up (when there is not a snowflake around) works well; sleepy kids often forget that it’s April Fool’s Day.
• Expect some mishaps. Having a sense of humor that’s funny for everyone isn’t easy to develop quickly. Applaud what your child is doing well. Point out how to be funny without making anyone feel hurt or harassed.
If You Have a Toddler or Elementary School-Aged Kid:
• Teach young children how to sneak up on someone and say “boo.” Although family members will probably hear young children coming, have them pretend to get scared and enjoy a good laugh.
• Incorporate some magic tricks into April Fool’s Day. Kids love magic, and some magic tricks add a fun way to celebrate the day.
• Help your child find funny, clean jokes to tell. Try these.
• Pull small pranks that get kids laughing. Place rubber worms in between the sheets (down near where their toes go). Make meatloaf in cupcake holders and frost with mashed potatoes. Freeze raisins in ice cube trays and then claim there are bugs floating in your drinks.
• Read books about April Fool’s Day. Consider April Foolishness by Teresa Bateman, April Fool! by Karen Gray Ruelle, and April Fool’s Day by Melissa Schiller.
• Fake your kids out with a special April Fool’s Day breakfast. Try “Fakin’ and Eggs” from Family Fun Magazine.
If You Have a Tween or Teen:
• You may not like the pranks kids pull on you at this age, but they enjoy pulling them on each other. Don’t be surprised if they switch the salt with the sugar or put plastic wrap under the toilet seat.
• Make sure that the way your children celebrate April Fool’s Day doesn’t go too far out of bounds. Kids at this age like to push the limits. Be aware that some kids are more tolerant of how others push the limits as well.
• Don’t be surprised if your child thinks April Fool’s Day is a stupid holiday and refuses to play along. That’s okay too. Follow your child’s lead.
• Want to avoid getting fooled? Some older teenagers like to play with language as a way to trick people. For example, some teenagers like to tell guys that their zipper is up. Most guys will look down, not catching what the person said ; )
• You often can catch your older teenager by surprise with a farce that gets their hearts beating faster, such as Mom saying she’s pregnant, or Dad announcing the family is moving to remote part of Wyoming next month, or that you’re selling the family van to buy a motorcycle. If you keep a serious face, you can often fool an older teenager for quite a while. (But watch out: next year, your teenager will have a good one for you.)
How do you celebrate April Fool’s Day?
*Image via Westside Shooter on Flick’r