Are you being bothered by a bully? Try this. Stand a
reasonable distance away from the bully. In this way, he will not be able to
punch you first. It is very important to first really look at this person. If
he or she is really a good person having a really bad day, try your best to
walk away, try to reason with him or her by asking if they have ever seen a
real fight. Continue to explain that in a real fight people's eyes get blacken;
noses get broken and very often blood shows up. If they are still determined to
fight explain that you are going to fight back. You're always better off trying
to make a new friend, then acquiring a new enemy. Once the bully knows that you
are willing to fight back this should change their mind about who you are and
what you're capable of. I was once asked by a priest what I would do when
confronted by a Goliath, of a person in my path. My response was reasoning should always be
your first choice. However, sometimes we do have to throw stones. Keep in mind,
that it is everyone's responsibility to know how to protect themselves and how
to protect the people in their charge. We are all given tools and the better we
are equipped to use these tools the better off we will be. Here are the tools I
teach at my martial arts school, West Boca Karate, in Boca Raton, Florida. 1.
Reason, 2. Walk Away, 3. Control, 4. Pain, 5. Break bones 6. I Think you all
know what this is. My point is this, the more prepared you are; you will only
need to use the lowest of options. I hope this will help.